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Amazon's Systematic Bestseller Creation Process


For sellers who want to successfully sell their products on Amazon, making the product a popular item is crucial. If you are a newbie, don't worry. The following are specific processes and steps for creating a product a hit. I hope it will help you learn from the ground up.


Please note that the following milestones and time nodes can be adjusted according to your conditions.



  1. Preparation

- Competitor analysis: study the competitors' data in detail, including shelf time, reviews, promotion strategies, supply chain, price, and sales. This help you understand the market dynamics and the strengths and weaknesses of competitors.

- Market Sensitivity Improvement: improve your sensitivity to the product market and learn to use relevant data capture and analysis tools.

- Keyword research: compare keywords and list your target products' keywords, long-tail words, and adjectives. This is to prepare for the subsequent title optimization and advertising promotion.


  1. Store Decoration

- Perfect product information: from title, picture, listing, QA, A+ page to review, make sure your store and product information is perfect and attractive.


  1. Stocking and Promotion Plan

- Develop a stocking plan: A small number of shipments in the early stage are needed to test the main models. Then determine the product quantity for subsequent replenishment according to the data of the first-batch products.

- Promotional plan: Develop a detailed plan, including advertising strategy and social media promotion.


  1. Page Promotion

- Plan the number of reviews: make plans based on the number of reviews left on the products of new sellers in the last one or two years. Make sure that the number of reviews is comparable to or better than that of your competitors.

- Find the right reviewers: find foreigners or Chinese to leave reviews. Edit the content of the reviews in advance and carry out direct reviews and QA at the same time.

- Continuous optimization: make advertisement adjustments and replenishments based on the natural sales order status and product ranking.


Specific operation:


Week 1 & 2: Conduct reviews and QA until the first order is placed, and then launch advertising. First, manually select and optimize the keywords that perform well, followed by enabling automatic advertising. At the same time, make use of the external traffic for promotion, such as participating in the off-site promotion activities of Deals or Facebook.


Week 3: Observe the product ranking and order quantity and prepare the second batch of goods for shipment. Adjust the stocking strategy according to the first-batch sales, double the stocking of the best-selling products, and discount the underperforming products in time.


Week 4: Analyze the month's data and continue evaluating and advertising. Adjust the stocking quantity of the third batch of goods according to the conditions of the second-batch goods. Continue to monitor product data and maintain the supply chain.


With the above steps and strategies, you could be able to gradually build your product into a hot product. Keep in mind that, continuous learning and optimization are the keys to success.


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