

    Pay your global suppliers securely, swiftly and cost-effectively

    Pay to China

    No more account freezes: Make easy and compliant payments to your China-based suppliers' personal or business bank accounts

    Convenient CNY settlement to meet currency regulatory requirements with no amount limit

    Easy-to-use, lightning-fast arrival 24/7

    Save up to 10% on your trade costs

    XTransfer-to-XTransfer (X2X) Payment

    Send money to another XTransfer account, instantly, 24/7, with 0 fees

    Trusted by 550,000+ cross-border traders worldwide

    Faster, easier and cheaper than traditional banks

    Send money globally, the local way

    Utilize domestic financial networks to send money in local currencies to 200+ countries and regions worldwide

    In most cases, your funds are settled instantly

    Say goodbye to hefty fees and correspondent bank charges on international payments

    Ready to start your XTransfer journey?

    Join our 550,000+ business users today.

    Contact our professional service team to learn more or open an account online for free.