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What are the process and documentation requirements for CNY Settlement?
1.Add the CNY Settlement account for the company's director/authorized declarant or supplier.
2.Select account and enter amount.
3.For the personal account of the company's director/authorized declarant or individual supplier, it is required to link the incoming payment for reporting purposes. For the company's supplier account, there is no need for linking.
4.Update Supplier File.
5.Submit the request.
Required Documents
1.Supplier's English name.
2.Product information:
‒Product name (in English) and quantity.
‒Product/store website: Provide the URL for your company or supplier, including the exported product categories. For example, the URL of your Alibaba International store.
3.For shipped goods:
‒Provide the cross-border logistics tracking number, logistics company, and logistics document. You can upload multiple logistics information.
‒Logistics documents include sea/airway waybills, railway bills, or electronic/paper-waybills of international express services such as DHL/FedEx/TNT (must include complete Sender and Receiver information). If the waybill is not available yet, you can provide the booking list and loading list and supplement the waybill later.
4.For unshipped goods:
‒Provide the estimated cross-border shipment date/ shipping date.
‒Link Payment For CNY Settlement to the personal account of a sole trader or your company's director/authorized declarant, it is necessary to link the money to report with corresponding incoming payments for verification and reporting purposes. Any funds that have been credited and have remaining reportable amounts can be used for reporting. The reportable amount = incoming amount * realtime FX rate - total reported amount. There is no need to link payments for your corporate supplier accounts.