How much does it cost to send money?

Account Type Currencies Country fees charged
XTransfer Account Full Currencies / no
My Bank Accounts CNY Global Mainland China or Hong Kong:20CNY
other countries or regions:85CNY
HKD Global Mainland China or Hong Kong:25HKD
other countries or regions:100HKD
USD Others’ Personal account:America
Others’ account:Global
Mainland China or Hong Kong:3USD
other countries or regions:12USD
EUR Others’ Personal account:Eurozone
Others’ account:Global
Mainland China or Hong Kong:3EUR
other countries or regions:15EUR
Others’ Bank Accounts CNY Global Mainland China or Hong Kong:45CNY
other countries or regions:85CNY
HKD Global Mainland China or Hong Kong:50HKD
other countries or regions:100HKD
USD Others’ Personal account:America
Others’ account:Global
Mainland China or Hong Kong:6USD
other countries or regions:12USD
EUR Others’ Personal account:Eurozone
Others’ account:Global
Mainland China or Hong Kong:6EUR
other countries or regions:15EUR
All Bank Accounts AUD Australia 15AUD
CAD Canada 15CAD
GBP United Kingdom, Jersey, Gibraltar 10GBP
CZK Czechia 230CZK
DKK Denmark 65DKK
HUF Hungary 3600HUF
RON Romania 45RON
NOK Norway 85NOK
PLN Poland 45PLN
SEK Sweden 10SEK
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