What currencies can I receive through XTransfer?

Currency: You can receive/add money in USD, HKD, EUR, GBP, JPY, SGD, AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, DKK, NZD, NOK, SEK, ZAR
Time: After the buyer initiate the telegraphic transfer, it generally takes 1-7 business days (1-3 business days at the earliest) for the money to arrive. The exact arrival time varies depending on the remitting banks and correspondent banks.

Currency: You can receive/add money in local currencies of Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Tanzania, Cote d 'Ivoire, Senegal, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Zambia, Kenya, Benin, Uganda and South Africa

Real-time arrival on business days for Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Peru and Colombia;
Same-day arrival on business days for South Africa, Cameroon, Tanzania, Cote d'Ivoire, Senegal, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Zambia, Kenya, Benin and Uganda;
1-3 business days for Nigeria.

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